• 80/20 AI
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  • New AI Chatbot is better than ChatGPT

New AI Chatbot is better than ChatGPT

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Welcome to our Tuesday edition!

In today’s menu:

  • AI Inspiration Quote

  • Anthropic just released “Claude 3”

  • Top Rated AI Tools

  • Byte Sized news

  • “How to” AI

  • Cool AI Tool

  • AI Meme of the Day

 Reading time: 5 minutes



Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.


Anthropic just released “Claude 3”

Anthropic just released its new Claude 3 models. The best one, called “Opus”, beats other top models like GPT-4 and Gemini Ultra in many tests.

  • Opus is better than GPT-4 and Gemini Ultra in tests like knowledge, reasoning, coding, and math.

  • Opus can remember things really well, with a 99% success rate on long prompts.

  • There's no waitlist anymore to use the API, so developers can start using the new models right away.

Get access from here

Presented by AE Studio

AI brews beer and your big ideas

What’s your biggest business challenge? Don’t worry about wording it perfectly or describing it just right. Brain dump your description into AE Studio’s new tool and AI will help you solve that work puzzle.

Describe your challenge in three quick questions. Then AI churns out solutions customized to you.

AE Studio exists to solve business problems. They build great products and create custom software, AI and BCI solutions. And they once brewed beer by training AI to instruct a brewmeister and then to market the result. The beer sold out – true story.

Beyond beer, AE Studio’s data scientists, designers and developers have done even more impressive things working 1:1 with founders and executives. They’re a great match for leaders wanting to incorporate AI and just generally deliver outstanding products built with the latest tools and tech.

If you’re done guessing how to solve work problems or have a crazy idea in your back pocket to test out, ask AI Ideas by AE Studio for free solutions, right now.

Top Rated AI Tools

Wondercraft: Canva for audio

PixelFree Studio: From design to code in just 1 click

OSO AI: Censorship-free AI chat & search engine

D-ID Agents: Create and deploy digital people that work for you

PoopUp: Wake-up call to turn visitors into customers


A new idea suggests that if we put AI inside a robot's head instead of a regular program, the robot might become conscious like humans. But, it's hard to say for sure.

Kayak added new cool feature. It lets users see if they found the best price by taking a screenshot of flight details from elsewhere. Even if they found the flight on another site, PriceCheck will search lots of sites to find a better deal.

“How to” AI

How to Use Nvidia RTX Chatbot

Using Chat with RTX with Your Own Data

  1. Step One: Create a folder for your data (text, PDF, or Word files).

  2. Step Two: Open Chat with RTX and select the folder.

  3. Step Three: Click the refresh icon to update the AI model.

  4. Step Four: Choose the AI model you want to use.

  5. Step Five: Start asking specific questions about your data.

Cool AI Tool

You don’t need to hire a editor anymore!

What you need? AI got your back.

  • Repairing old photos

  • Giving color to your old photos

  • Upscaling your photos

AI has it all.

But since we haven’t covered upscaling photos yet, we’re going to do that today.

magnific is a tool for upscaling your photos.

You can achieve insanely high-res upscaling.

Magnific can also hallucinate and reimagine as many details as you wish guided by your own prompt and parameters!

Simply go to magnific.ai and start use it.



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