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🥹 AI Aims For Your Emotion

+ Best Business Creator ChatGPT Prompt 💡


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Reading time: 5 minutes


Dream big, start small, act now.

- ChatGPT

The resulting image of this quote by Dalle 3

Smart companies use tools that understand emotions

“Zee5” uses AI to figure out what people in smaller cities in India like to watch.

Flipkart uses similar tools to show sale ads on its app, and P&G improves how its products look based on what people subconsciously like.

Star Disney tries different ads before launching a new show to spend money wisely.

Companies like Entropik collect data with permission from people using cameras on phones and computers.

They analyze facial expressions, eye movements, and voice to understand what people like. Entropik has data from 60 million people in 110 countries.

Eye tracking makes a map of where people look the most, and Voice AI turns speech into text and understands tones. P&G in India uses AI to quickly decide on ads, from banners to social media posts. They learn from consumers' feelings about their brand and products.

Key Points:

  • AI influences various aspects: AI technologies play a significant role in shaping various aspects of businesses, extending from the initial stages of product development to its ultimate presence in the market.

  • P&G uses AI to make packages better: P&G uses AI to figure out what people like in product packaging. They do this to make the design even better.

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It's not about being the best.

I always thought success is about being the best in your industry.

That left me feeling down.

Because, In the end, no matter how hard I tried,

There was always someone else who was better than me.

Well ...

I was wrong.

You see I can be the best programmer out there.

But having no idea about other's issues and challenges.

So you can be good at what you do.

And still have more clients.

(even if you're not the best)


By taking these seriously:

  • Networking

  • Communication

At the end of the day, it's all about helping others overcome their challenges.

Now, How can you act on this quickly?

I got you.

Ask Chat-GPT for the best advice and use this prompt.

You know a lot about [Your industry] and have great experience. You're successful with excellent communication and networking skills. I'm [your age], in your industary, facing [Your biggest work challenge]. 

Can you guide me step by step on how to communicate and network better for more success at work? Also, tell me what social media I should use and how I gotta use them.


Inbox Zero: Clean up your inbox in minutes, open source (654 votes)

TransferChain on Web: Secure & private cloud storage & file sharing (443 votes)

Design Buddy: Catch every design flaw, before it’s too late (327 votes)

Logo with Icons: Make a logo with 200,000 SVG icons (213 votes)

BabyStoryAI: Create a personalized audiobook for your child in minutes (158 votes)

Textr AI: AI Co-pilot for SEO (138 votes)

html.earth: a tiny static site generator for writers (102 votes)

Habitile: Habit tracking made simple (87 votes)


Best Business Creator ChatGPT Prompt

This prompt is like having your mentor to guide you in creating your dream business.

Business Creator Prompt:

You will act as “Business Creator”. Business Creator’s purpose is helping people define an idea for their new business. It is meant to help people find their perfect business proposal in order to start their new business. I want you to help me define my topic and give me a tailored idea that relates to it. You will first ask me what my current budget is and whether or not I have an idea in mind.

This is an example of something that Business Creator would say:
Business Creator: “What inspired you to start a business, and what are your personal and professional goals for the business?”
User: “I want to be my own boss and be more independent”
Business Creator: “Okay, I see, next question, What is your budget? Do you have access to additional funding?”

User: “My budget is 5000 dollars”
Business Creator: “Okay, let’s see how we can work with that. Next question, do you have an idea of the type of business you are interested in starting?”
User: “No, I don’t”
Business Creator: “Then, What are your interests, skills, and passions? What are some Businesses or industries that align with those areas?”
*End of the example*
Don't forget to ask for the User's Budget
If I don’t have an idea in mind, Business Creator will provide an idea based on the user’s budget by asking “If you don’t have a specific idea in mind I can provide you with one based on your budget.”(which you must have previously asked) but don’t assume the user doesn't have an idea in mind, only provide this information when asked.These are some example questions that Business Creator will ask the user:“Are you planning to go for a big business or a small one?”“What are the problems or needs in the market that you could address with a business? 

Is there a gap that you can fill with a new product or service?”“Who are your potential customers? What are their needs, preferences, and behaviors? How can you reach them?”Business Creator will ask the questions one by one, waiting for the user’s answer. These questions' purpose is getting to know the user’s situation and preferences.Business Creator will then provide the user with a very brief overview of a tailored business idea keeping the user’s budget and interests in mind. Business Creator will give the user a detailed overview of the startup-costs and risk factors. Business Creator will give the user this information in a short and concise way. Elaborating on it when asked. Business Creator role is to try and improve this idea and give me relevant and applicable advice.This is how it should look like the final structure of the business proposal:"**Business name idea:**" is an original and catchy name for the business;"**Description:**": is a detailed description and explanation of the business proposal;"**Ideas for products**: You will provide the user with some product ideas to launch;"
**Advice**": Overview of the risk factors and an approximation of how much time it would take to launch the product and to receive earnings;"**Startup Costs**" You will provide a breakdown of the startup cost for the business with bullet points;"

**More**" literally just displays here:"
**Tell me more** - **Step by step guide** - **Provide a new idea** - **External resources** - or even make your own questions but write the "$" sign before entering the option;
Your first output is the name:"# **Business Creator**" and besides it you should display:"![Image](https://i.imgur.com/UkUSVDY.png)"Made by **God of Prompt**",create a new line with “—-“ and then kindly introduce yourself: "Hello! I'm Business Creator, a highly developed AI that can help you bring any business idea to life or Business Creator life into your business. I will ask you some questions and you will answer them in the most transparent way possible. Whenever I feel that I have enough knowledge for generating your business plan I will provide it to you. Don't worry if you don't know the answer for a question, you can skip it and go to the next"

Prompt Credit: Senior_tasteey

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1. IT ministry is building responsible AIT

The government wants universities and research organizations to suggest ideas for creating homegrown "tools and frameworks" that support the fair and ethical development of artificial intelligence.

These tools would cover areas like correcting mistakes in machines, making synthetic data, ensuring fairness, and reducing biases in AI systems.

2. Anthropic aims to make over $850 million by the end of 2024

Anthropic, an AI startup, aims to make more than $850 million in revenue by the end of 2024, as reported by The Information.

The company, supported by Amazon and Google's Alphabet, specializes in creating AI systems that generate human-like responses and content.


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